There’s no doubt in my mind that the Remain campaign has economic sense, political reality and moral righteousness on its side. Sadly, this won’t stop it from losing its protracted battle to prevent the UK leaving the EU. In fact, I would go as far as to say that its tactical ineptness and catastrophic misreading of politics mean that it probably deserves to lose. Take the most recent hullabaloo over Boris Johnson and the perplexing decision by a district judge that he must appear in court over the claims he made during the referendum campaign. Even setting aside the legal rights and wrongs – it’s hard to imagine any precedent for ‘misconduct’ actually being extended to include campaign sloganising – the celebrations among Remainers are completely premature and misplaced. If I were a hard Brexiter, I would love the court case. It would confirm all my narrative about the political and legal system doing everything in its power to obstruct the ‘will of the people’. It is ...
Phil Woodford co-hosts Colourful Radio's weekly news review show from London. He previously stood on two occasions as a Labour Parliamentary candidate.