Yesterday, a rather desperate canvasser came knocking on
my door in the outskirts of London. My Labour poster had obviously not done
enough to deter this beleaguered emissary of the former Business Secretary,
Vince Cable. In fact, it seems that showing my colours may actually have acted
as something of a magnet to the Lib Dems. Just a day or two before, I’d had a
leaflet spinning the rather unlikely story that The Daily Mirror was advising
me to vote for Cable. I’d also had a letter from the Cabinet Minister telling
me how much he understood my desire to get rid of the Tories.
Today, Labour and Green supporters in this leafy suburban
constituency may be wondering if they did the right thing. They’ll see that Dr
Tania Matthias – a GP in the NHS, who must surely need treatment for the
cognitive dissonance associated with supporting the Conservatives – has swept
Dr Cable aside.
As we pick up the pieces the morning after the night
before, it’s quite natural to ask whether we perhaps should have voted
tactically and saved Cable’s skin. My answer is a categorical no.
I’ve always been impressed with my dealings with the guy
at a personal level. He is incredibly bright and has a razor-sharp memory for
detail. On a couple of occasions, he stepped in to help with quite difficult
issues and made representations on our behalf. I couldn’t fault his work as a
constituency MP.
At the 2010 election, however, he told Labour voters to
support him to keep the Tories out in Twickenham – a call echoed by his
colleagues in other local seats such as Kingston & Surbiton and Sutton
& Cheam. Many natural Labour supporters gritted their teeth and did what
they were told. Cable then jumped into the bed with the very Tories he had
Five years go by. Five years in which the use of food
banks has increased hugely, while the public has been fed a dubious diet of
austerity. And then Cable has the nerve – the barefaced and unashamed cheek –
to come back to me and say I should vote for him because he’s the only man who
can beat the Tories.
I may be desperate, but I’m not signing up to join the
cast of the Muppets. Cable is a bright man, but he insults the intelligence of
his constituents with his opportunism and lack of principle. The Liberal
Democrats have been utterly decimated in the 2015 general election, but they
have only themselves to blame.
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